Asteroids using Pyglet & Python

I’ve been busy lately. Thanks to a wonderful tutorial by Steve Johnson, I’ve managed to create a clone of the arcade classic ‘Asteroids’ in Python using a 2D library known as Pyglet. The experience was good, very frustrating at times. I decided to jump off of the tutorial at a certain point and just do things myself – once I knew how to render sprites and get the basic game logic down, it made sense. Everything else is just a matter of implementation and working out bugs. Any way, if you are interested, you can download my source files here (25kb). You will need a python interpreter to run it, as well as the pyglet library (free).


As a note, I tried to distribute a mac app using py2app, but I couldn’t get it to work — yet.


Thanks to Steve Johnson for the original tutorial, it’s one of the only really good pyglet tutorials on the web!


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